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Type:LawEnactment date:Mar 14, 1996Valid summary:Jul 1, 2024 - Oct 31, 2024
Registration details: No. 0961010ISTA00I-1234 Number provided by the institution:I-1234Consolidated version:
Jul 11, 2024PakeistaXIV-2915
Dec 14, 2023PakeistaXIV-2359
Jun 29, 2023PakeistaXIV-2116
Mar 28, 2023PakeistaXIV-1839
Nov 10, 2022PakeistaXIV-1512
Jun 30, 2022PakeistaXIV-1376
Apr 21, 2022PakeistaXIV-1033
Dec 23, 2021PakeistaXIV-890
Jan 14, 2021PakeistaXIV-171
Nov 10, 2020PakeistaXIII-3397
Aug 20, 2019PakeistaXIII-2414
Apr 11, 2019PakeistaXIII-2035
Jun 26, 2018PakeistaXIII-1296
Sep 28, 2017PakeistaXIII-643
Feb 14, 2017PakeistaXIII-204
Nov 3, 2016PakeistaXII-2689
Oct 20, 2015PakeistaXII-1965
Jun 8, 2006PakeistaX-672
Apr 3, 2003PakeistaIX-1440
Sep 24, 2002PakeistaIX-1094
Aug 3, 2001PakeistaIX-495
Jul 7, 1999PakeistaVIII-1315
Apr 12, 1996Enters into Force
Mar 14, 1996Priimtas teisės aktas
Valid from Apr 12, 1996
Enacted by:Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas
Draft amendments:None
Ex post assessment:NonePublished:Valstybės žinios, Apr 12, 1996, No. 33-807
Eurovoc terminology:
family policy
children's rights
child protection
crime against individuals
sexual violence
2826 social affairs
2806 family
1216 criminal law
1236 rights and freedoms
Connection to EU law:
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Summary (Jan 1, 2017 - Feb 20, 2017)