CloseLietuvos Respublikos akcinių bendrovių įstatymo 13, 44, 46, 48, 55, 72 ir 74 straipsnių pakeitimo įstatymas
Type:LawEnactment date:Jun 23, 2005Valid summary:None
Registration details: No. 1051010ISTA000X-271 Number provided by the institution:X-271Consolidated version:None
Valid from Jul 12, 2005
Enacted by:Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas
Draft amendments:None
Ex post assessment:NonePublished:Valstybės žinios, Jul 12, 2005, No. 84-3109
Eurovoc terminology:
free movement of capital
private limited company
company with share capital
share capital
right of establishment
company law
4406 employment
4016 legal form of organisations
4006 business organisation
2421 free movement of capital
Connection to EU law:None
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