CloseLietuvos Respublikos darbo sutarties įstatymo 26 straipsnio papildymo įstatymas
Type:LawEnactment date:Apr 18, 1996Valid summary:None
Registration details: No. 0961010ISTA00I-1296 Number provided by the institution:I-1296Consolidated version:None
Valid from May 10, 1996
Not valid from Jan 1, 2003
Enacted by:Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas
Draft amendments:None
Ex post assessment:NonePublished:Valstybės žinios, May 10, 1996, No. 43-1043
Eurovoc terminology:
work contract
labour relations
termination of employment
labour law
4421 personnel management and staff remuneration
4426 labour law and labour relations
4406 employment
Connection to EU law:None
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