2003 m. balandžio 22 d. Nr. B1-396
Vadovaudamasis Lietuvos Respublikos veterinarijos įstatymu (Žin., 1992, Nr. 2-15) ir įgyvendindamas Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės 2003 m. kovo 5 d. nutarimu Nr. 292 „Dėl Lietuvos pasirengimo narystei Europos Sąjungoje programos (Nacionalinė ACQUIS priėmimo programa) teisės derinimo priemonių ir ACQUIS įgyvendinimo priemonių 2003 metų planų patvirtinimo“ (Žin., 2003, Nr. 25-1019) patvirtintą Teisės derinimo priemonių 2003 metų planą (priemonės kodas ir 1993 m. vasario 5 d. Komisijos sprendimą 93/196/EEB dėl gyvūnų sveikatos sąlygų nustatymo ir veterinarijos sertifikatų importuojamiems skerstiniems arkliams:
1. Tvirtinu pridedamus:
1.1. veterinarijos sertifikatą skerstiniems arkliams, kurie Lietuvos Respublikoje siunčiami tiesiai į skerdyklą;
2. Nurodau, kad:
2.1. leidžiama importuoti skerstinus arklius nepažeidžiant Valstybinės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos direktoriaus 2003 m. kovo 31 d. įsakymo Nr. B-325 „Dėl Trečiųjų šalių regionų, iš kurių leidžiamas arklinių gyvūnų importas į Lietuvos Respubliką, sąrašo patvirtinimo (Žin., 2003, Nr. 34-1452);
2.2. importuojamų skerstinų arklių priekinėje kairėje kanopoje turi būti aiškiai išdeginta ne mažesnė kaip 3 cm aukščio raidė „S“;
2.3. jei skerstini arkliai gabenami tiesiai į skerdyklą, jie turi būti paskersti per penkias dienas nuo atvykimo ir ne vėliau kaip per penkias dienas nuo importo į Lietuvos Respubliką; skerstini arkliai turi atitikti patvirtinto veterinarijos sertifikato reikalavimus; jei arkliai plukdomi jūra daugiau nei aštuonias dienas, galima leisti juos paskersti per 21 dieną nuo atvykimo į skerdyklą, jei jie bus skerdykloje prižiūrimi valstybinio veterinarijos gydytojo; tokiu atveju Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba turi informuoti Europos Komisiją;
3. Pavedu įsakymo vykdymo kontrolę Pasienio ir transporto valstybinei veterinarijos tarnybai ir teritorinėms valstybinėms maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyboms.
Valstybinės maisto
ir veterinarijos tarnybos direktoriaus
2003 m. balandžio 22 d. įsakymu Nr. B1-396
Sertifikato Nr./Reference No.
Šalis siuntėja (1):
Number of animals (in words):
I. Gyvūnų tapatumo nustatymas/Identification of the animals
Gyvūnų skaičius (*) Number of animals (*) |
Rūšis: arklys, asilas, mulas, arklėnas Species: horse, ass, mule, hinny |
Veislė/amžius/lytis Breed/age/sex |
Tapatumo nustatymo metodas (**) ir tapatumo nustatymas Method of identification (**) and identification |
(*) ant priekinės kairės kanopos išdegintas specialus ženklas „S“
the special mark is a hot-branded 'S' on the left front leg hoof
(**) prie veterinarijos sertifikato gali būti pridėtas gyvūno pasas ir nurodytas jo numeris
a passport identifying the equine animal may be attached to this certificate provided that its number is stated
(a) tapatumo nustatymo dokumento (paso) numeris:
II. Gyvūnų kilmė ir paskirtis/Origin and destination of animals
Gyvūnai siunčiami iš (eksporto vieta):
directly to (state and slaughterhouse of destination):
geležinkelio vagonais/sunkvežimiu/lėktuvu/laivu (2) (nurodyti transporto priemonę ir registracijos numerį, lėktuvo reiso numerį ar laivo pavadinimą):
by railway wagon/lorry/aircraft/ship (2)(indicate means of transport and registration marks, flight number or registered name, as appropriate):
Siuntėjo pavadinimas ir adresas:
III. Sveikatos patvirtinimas/Health attestation
Aš, žemiau pasirašęs valstybinis veterinarijos gydytojas, patvirtinu, kad gyvūnai atitinka šiuos reikalavimus:
I, the undersigned, certify that the animals described above meet the following requirements:
They come from a country where the following diseases are compulsory notifiable: African horse sickness, dourine, glanders, equine encephalomielitis (of all types including VEE), infectious anaemia, vesicular stomatitis, rabies, anthrax.
They have been examined today and show no clinical signs of diseases (2).
They are not intended for slaughter under the national programme of infectious or contagious disease eradication.
During the 90 days immediately preceding the exportation (or since birth if less than 90 days old) they have been resident on holdings under veterinary supervision in the country of dispatch
either they come from country (1) listed in group A, B, C or D below(3) and they have been isolated from equidae not of equivalent health status 30 days prior to dispatch (4), or;
They come from a country (1) listed in group E below (3) and have been in an approved isolation centre protected from vector inspects during 40 days prior to dispatch (4).
they come from the territory or in cases of official regionlization according to Community legislation from part of the territory of a country in which:
Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis has not occurred during the last two years;
dourine has not occurred during the last six months;
glanders has not occurred during the last six months;
vesicular stomatitis has not occurred during the last six months (4) or they were tested on a sample of blood taken within 10 days of export on ........................... (5) by a virus neutralization test for vesicular stomatitis with negative results at a dilution of 1 in 12 (4);
in the case, the above described consignment of equidae include uncastrated male animals older than 180 days:
either equine viral arteritis has not been officially recorded during the last six months (4), or
the uncastrated male animals were tested on blood samples taken within 21 days of export on. (5) by virus neutralization test for equine viral arteritis with
negative result at dilution of 1 in 4 (4), or
aliquots of their entire semen taken within 21 days of export on ................................... (5)
were tested by virus isolation test for equine viral arteritis with negative result in each case (4), or
5.5.4. nekastruoti patinai buvo vakcinuoti .............................. (5) nuo arklių virusinio arterito,
oficialiai prižiūrint veterinarijos gydytojui, naudojant vakcinas, patvirtintas kompetentingos institucijos, pagal šią pirminės vakcinacijos programą ir buvo pakartotinai vakcinuojami reguliariais intervalais (4):
the uncastrated male animals were vaccinated on .................................. (5) against equine
viral arteritis under official veterinary supervision with a vaccine approved by the competent authority, according to the following programme for initial vaccination and have been re-vaccinated at regular intervals (4).
Pirminės vakcinacijos nuo arklių virusinio arterito programos:
Programmes for initial vaccination against equine viral arteritis:
Instrukcija: išbraukti vakcinacijos programas, kurios nebuvo taikomos gyvūnams; patikrinti papildomus patvirtinimus dėl tyrimų prieš vakcinaciją, vakcinacijos metu ir pakartotinos vakcinacijos metu; nurodyti, jei reikia, individualias nurodytų gyvūnų vakcinacijos programas.
Instruction: Cross out vaccination programmes that do not apply to the animals described above. Verify supporting certification on testing before vaccination, vaccination and re-vaccination. Specify, where appropriate, the individual vaccination programme for identified animals.
(a) vakcinuota kraujo mėginio paėmimo dieną; viruso neutralizacijos tyrimo rezultatai neigiami, praskiedus serumą santykiu 1:4,
vaccination was carried out on the day a blood sample was taken that subsequently proved negative in a virus neutralization test at a dilution of 1 in 4, or
(b) vakcinuoti ne ilgesnio kaip 15 dienų karantino metu; tuo metu paimtas kraujo mėginys ištirtas viruso neutralizacijos metodu, praskiedus serumą santykiu 1:4, gauti neigiami rezultatai arba
Vaccination was carried out during a period of isolation of not more than 15 days under official veterinary supervision, commencing on the day of a blood sample was taken that was tested during that time with negative result in a virus neutralization test at a dilution of 1 in 4; or
(c) gyvūnai vakcinuoti 180-270 dienų amžiaus karantino metu, prižiūrint valstybiniam veterinarijos gydytojui. Karantino metu 2 kraujo mėginiuose, paimtuose kas 10 dienų, tiriant viruso neutralizacijos metodu dėl arklių virusinio arterito, nustatytas pastovus ar mažėjantis antikūnų titras.
Vaccination was carried out when the animal was at an age of 180 to 270 days, during a period of isolation under official veterinary supervision. During the isolation period two blood samples taken at least 10 days apart proved a stable or declining antibody titre in a virus neutralization test for equine viral arteritis;
they not come from the territory or from part of the territory of a country considered, in accordance with Community legislation, as infected with African horse sickness and
either were not vaccinated against African horse sickness (4), or
they were vaccinated against African horse sickness on ........................................... (4)(5).
they do not come from a holding which was subject to prohibition for animal health reasons not had contact with equidae from a holding which was subject to prohibition for animal health reasons:
during six months in the case of equine encephalomyelitis, beginning on the date on which the equidae suffering from the disease are slaughtered;
in the case of infectious anaemia, until the date on which the infected animals having been slaughtered, the remaining animals have shown a negative reaction to two Coggins tests carried out three months apart;
during six months in the case of vesicular stomatitis;
during one moths from the last recorded case, in the case of rabies;
during 15 days from the last recoded case, in the case of anthrax.
If all animals of species susceptible to the disease located on the holding have been slaughtered and the premises disinfected, the period of prohibition shall be 30 days, beginning on the day on which the animals were destroyed and the premises disinfected, except in the case of anthrax, where the period of prohibition is 15 days.
To the best of my knowledge, they have not been in contact with equidae suffering from an infectious or contagiuos disease in the 15 days prior to this declaration.
To the best of my knowledge, they have received no thyreostatic, estrogenic, androgenic or gestagenic substances for fattening purposes.
they were subjected to the following test carried out with negative results on samples of blood samples taken within ten days of export on ..................................................................... (5)
a Coggins test for equine infectious anaemia (3) or
in the case of equidae which have resided in Iceland from birth, it is certified that Iceland is free of equine infectious anaemia (3);
a complement fixation test for glanders at dilution of 1 in 10 (6)
a complement fixation test for dourine at a dilution of 1 in 10 (6);
A complement fixation test for piroplasmosis (Babesia equi and Babesia caballi) (7)(8) at a dilution of 1 in 5.
11. Du kartus jų kraujo mėginiai, paimti kas 21-30 dienų:........................... (5) ir ............... (5)
(antrasis mėginys turi būti paimtas per 5 dienas iki eksporto (7)) – ištirti dėl afrikinės arklių ligos, kaip nurodyta 1990 m. birželio 26 d. Tarybos direktyvos 90/426/EEB D priede; rezultatai neigiami, jei gyvūnai nevakcinuoti (4), arba antikūnių titras nepadidėjęs, jei gyvūnai vakcinuoti (4).
they were subjected to a test for African horse sickness as described in Annex D to Council Directive 90/426/EEC on two occasions, carried out on samples of blood taken with an interval of between 21 and 30 days, on............................. (5) and on ......................................................... (5), the second of which
must have been taken within ten days of export (7) either with negative reactions if they have not been vaccinated (4), or without increase in antibody count if they have been vaccinated (4).
either it/they was/were not vaccinated against Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis(4) (8) or it/they was/were vaccinated on ........................................... (5), this being at least six months prior to pre
export isolation (4);
either it/they was/were vaccinated against western and eastern equine encephalomyelitis with inactivated vaccine on ....................................................................................... (5),this being within
six months and at least 30 days of export (4) (8) (9); or
kraujo mėginiai, paimti kas 21 dieną:........................... (5) ir ................... (5) (antrasis turi būti
paimtas per 10 dienų iki eksporto) – buvo ištirti hemagliutinacijos inhibicijos testu dėl vakarų ir rytų arklių encefalomielito; rezultatai neigiami, jei jie nebuvo vakcinuoti (4), arba antikūnų titras nepadidėjęs, jei jie buvo vakcinuoti prieš daugiau nei 6 mėnesius (4).
it/they was/were subjected to haemagglutination inhibition tests for western and eastern equine encephalomyelitis on two occasions, carried out on blood samples taken with an interval of 21 days on........................... (5) and on ........................................................... (5), the second of which must
have been taken within 10 days of export either with negative reactions, if it/they has/have not been vaccinated (4) or without increase in antibody count, if it/they has/have been vaccinated more than six months ago (4).
14. Gyvūnai bus gabenami transporto priemone, iš anksto išvalyta ir išdezinfekuota dezinfekantu, oficialiai patvirtintu šalyje siuntėjoje; transporto priemonė sutvarkyta taip, kad transportavimo metu iš jos nekristų pakratai, išmatos ar pašaras. Deklaracija, pasirašyta savininko arba jo atstovo, yra šio veterinarijos sertifikato dalis.
The animals will be sent in vehicle cleansed and disinfected in advance with a disinfectant officially recognized in the country of dispatch and designed in a way that droppings, litter or fodder cannot escape during transportation. The following declaration signed by the owner or representative is a part of the certificate.
15. Sertifikatas galioja 10 dienų, plukdant laivu, galiojimas pratęsiamas visam kelionės laikui.
The certificate is valid for 10 days. In the case of transport by ship the time is prolonged by the time of the voyage.
Data/Date |
Vieta/Place |
Valstybinio veterinarijos gydytojo antspaudas (*) ir parašas Stamp (*) and signature of the official veterinarian |
(*) antspaudo spalva turi skirtis nuo teksto spalvos the colour of the stamp must be different from that of the printing
Aš, žemiau pasirašęs (gyvūno savininkas ar jo atstovas),
I, the undersigned (insert name in block letters of owner or representative (3) of the animal described above) ......................................................................
The animals will be sent directly from the premises of dispatch to the premises of destination without coming into contact with other equidae no accompanied by an equivalent certificate. The transportation will be effected in such a way that health and well-being of the animal(s) can be protected effectively.
The animals have either remained in .............. (exporting country) since birth or entered
the exporting country at least 90 days prior to this declaration (3).
Vieta, data:
(1) teritorijos dalis, kaip nurodyta 1990 m. birželio 26 d. Tarybos direktyvos 90/426/EEB 13 (2) skyriuje
Part of the territory in accordance with Article 13 (2) of Directive 90/426/EEC
(2) veterinarijos sertifikatas turi būti išrašytas gyvūnų, gabenamų į paskirties šalį, pakrovimo dieną; jis turi lydėti krovinį ir yra išduodamas tik gyvūnams, transportuojamiems tiesiai į skerdyklą tuo pačiu geležinkelio vagonu, sunkvežimiu, lėktuvu ar laivu
the certificate must be issued on the day of loading of the animals for dispatch to the country of destination. It must accompany the consignment and covers only animals transported in the same railway wagon, lorry, aircraft or ship and taked directly to the slaughterhouse
(3) A grupė/Group A
Kveicarija, Grenlandija, Islandija/Switzerland, Greenland, Iceland,
B grupė/Group B
Australija, Bulgarija, Kipras, Čekija, Estija, Kroatija, Vengrija, Latvija, Makedonija, Naujoji Zelandija, Lenkija, Rumunija, Rusija (1), Slovakija, Slovėnija, Ukraina, Jugoslavijos Federalinė Respublika
Australia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia (1), Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
C grupė/Group C
Kanada, Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos/Canada, United States of America
D grupė/Group D
Argentina, Brazilija (1), Čilė, Kuba, Paragvajus, Urugvajus
Argentina, Brazil (1), Chile, Cuba, Paraguay, Uruguay
E grupė/Group E
Alžyras, Izraelis, Malta, Mauricijus, Marokas, Tunisas
Algeria, Israel, Malta, Mauritius, Morocco, Tunisia
(4) išbraukti žodžius, kurie netinka/delete as appropriate
(5) įrašyti datą/insert date
(6) tyrimai dėl įnosių netaikomi A ir C grupių šalims, Australijai ir Naujajai Zelandijai
the requested test for glanders does not apply for the countries listed in Groups A and C: Australia and New Zealand
(7) taikoma tik E grupės šalims/applies only to countries listed in Group E above
(8) taikoma tik D grupės šalims/applies only to countries listed in Group D above
(9) taikoma tik C grupės šalims/applies only to countries listed in Group C above
Valstybinės maisto
ir veterinarijos tarnybos direktoriaus
2003 m. balandžio 22 d. įsakymu Nr. B1-396
Sertifikato Nr./Reference No.
Šalis siuntėja (1):
Number of animals (in words):
I. Gyvūnų tapatumo nustatymas/Identification of the animals
Gyvūnų skaičius (*) Number of animals (*) |
Rūšis: arklys, asilas, mulas, arklėnas Species: horse, ass, mule, hinny |
Veislė/amžius/lytis Breed/age/sex |
Tapatumo nustatymo metodas (**) ir tapatumo nustatymas Method of identification (**) and identification |
(*)ant priekinės kairės kanopos išdegintas specialus ženklas „S“
the special mark is a hot-branded 'S' on the left front leg hoof
(**) prie veterinarijos sertifikato gali būti pridėtas gyvūno pasas ir nurodytas jo numeris
a passport identifying the equine animal may be attached to this certificate provided that its number is stated
(a) tapatumo nustatymo dokumento (paso) numeris:
II. Gyvūnų kilmė ir paskirtis/Origin and destination of animals
Gyvūnai siunčiami iš (eksporto vieta):
directly to (state and slaughterhouse of destination):
geležinkelio vagonais/sunkvežimiu/lėktuvu/laivu (2) (nurodyti transporto priemonę ir registracijos numerį, lėktuvo reiso numerį ar laivo pavadinimą):
by railway wagon/lorry/aircraft/ship (2)(indicate means of transport and registration marks, flight number or registered name, as appropriate):
Siuntėjo pavadinimas ir adresas:
III. Sveikatos patvirtinimas/Health attestation
Aš, žemiau pasirašęs valstybinis veterinarijos gydytojas, patvirtinu, kad gyvūnai atitinka šiuos reikalavimus:
I, the undersigned, certify that the animals described above meet the following requirements:
They come from a country where the following diseases are compulsory notifiable: African horse sickness, dourine, glanders, equine encephalomielitis (of all types including VEE), infectious anaemia, vesicular stomatitis, rabies, anthrax.
They have been examined today and show no clinical signs of diseases.
They are not intended for slaughter under the national programme of infectious or contagious disease eradication.
During the 90 days immediately preceding the exportation (or since birth if less than 90 days old) they have been resident on holdings under veterinary supervision in the country of dispatch and 30 days prior to dispatch they have been isolated from equidae not of equivalent health status.
they come from the territory or in cases of official regionalization according to Community legislation from part of the territory of a country in which:
Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis has not occurred during the last two years;
dourine has not occurred during the last six months;
glanders has not occurred during the last six months;
5.4. vezikulinis stomatitas nepasireiškė paskutinius šešis mėnesius (3) arba jų kraujo mėginiai, paimti per 10 dienų iki eksporto, t. y. .................................................... (4), ištirti viruso neutralizacijos reakcija dėl
vezikulinio stomatito; rezultatas neigiamas, serumą praskiedus santykiu 1:12 (3).
vesicular stomatitis has not occurred during the last six months (3) or they were tested on a sample of blood taken within 10 days of export on .................................................................... (4) by a virus
neutralization test for vesicular stomatitis with negative results at a dilution of 1 in 12 (3);
they not come from the territory or from part of the territory of a country considered, in accordance with Community legislation, as infected with African horse sickness and
either were not vaccinated against African horse sickness (3), or
they were vaccinated against African horse sickness on ........................................... (3)(4).
they do not come from a holding which was subject to prohibition for animal health reasons not had contact with equidae from a holding which was subject to prohibition for animal health reasons:
during six months in the case of equine encephalomyelitis, beginning on the date on which the equidae suffering from the disease are slaughtered;
in the case of infectious anaemia, until the date on which the infected animals having been slaughtered, the remaining animals have shown a negative reaction to two Coggins tests carried out three months apart;
during six months in the case of vesicular stomatitis;
during one moths from the last recorded case, in the case of rabies;
during 15 days from the last recoded case, in the case of anthrax.
If all animals of species susceptible to the disease located on the holding have been slaughtered and the premises disinfected, the period of prohibition shall be 30 days, beginning on the day on which the animals were destroyed and the premises disinfected, except in the case of anthrax, where the period of prohibition is 15 days.
To the best of my knowledge, they have not been in contact with equidae suffering from an infectious or contagious disease in the 15 days prior to this declaration.
To the best of my knowledge, they have received no thyreostatic, estrogenic, androgenic or gestagenic substances for fattening purposes.
they were subjected to the following test carried out with negative results on samples of blood samples taken within ten days of export on ....................................................... (4).
a Coggins test for equine infectious anaemia (3) or
in the case of equidae which have resided in Iceland from birth, it is certified that Iceland is free of equine infectious anaemia (3);
a complement fixation test for glanders at dilution of 1 in 10 (5).
11. Gyvūnai bus gabenami transporto priemone, iš anksto išvalyta ir išdezinfekuota dezinfekantu, oficialiai patvirtintu šalyje siuntėjoje, transporto priemonė sutvarkyta taip, kad transportavimo metu iš jos nekristų pakratai, išmatos ar pašaras. Deklaracija, pasirašyta savininko arba jo atstovo, yra šio veterinarijos sertifikato dalis.
The animals will be sent in a vehicle cleansed and disinfected in advance with a disinfectant officially recognized in the country of dispatch and designed in a way that droppings, litter or fodder cannot escape during transportation. The following declaration signed by the owner or representative is a part of the certificate.
12. Sertifikatas galioja 10 dienų, plukdant laivu, galiojimas pratęsiamas visam kelionės laikui.
The certificate is valid for 10 days. In the case of transport by ship the time is prolonged by the time of the voyage.
Data/Date |
Vieta/Place |
Valstybinio veterinarijos gydytojo antspaudas (*) ir parašas Stamp (*) and signature of the official veterinarian |
Name in block capitals, letters, qualification and title
Aš, žemiau pasirašęs (gyvūno savininkas ar jo atstovas (3)),
I, the undersigned (insert name in block letters of owner or representative (3) of the animal described above) .................................................................
The animals will be sent directly from the premises of dispatch to the premises of destination without coming into contact with other equidae no accompanied by an equivalent certificate. The transportation will be effected in such a way that health and well-being of the animal(s) can be protected effectively.
The animals have either remained in .............. (exporting country) since birth or entered
the exporting country at least 90 days prior to this declaration (3).
Vieta, data:
(1) teritorijos dalis, kaip nurodyta 1990 m. birželio 26 d. Tarybos direktyvos 90/426/EEB 13 (2) skyriuje
Part of the territory in accordance with Article 13 (2) of Directive 90/426/EEC
(2) veterinarijos sertifikatas turi būti išrašytas gyvūnų, gabenamų į paskirties šalį, pakrovimo dieną; jis turi lydėti krovinį ir yra išduodamas tik gyvūnams, transportuojamiems tiesiai į skerdyklą tuo pačiu geležinkelio vagonu, sunkvežimiu, lėktuvu ar laivu
the certificate must be issued on the day of loading of the animals for dispatch to the country of destination. It must accompany the consignment and covers only animals transported in the same railway wagon, lorry, aircraft or ship and took directly to the slaughterhouse
(3) išbraukti žodžius, kurie netinka/delete as appropriate
(4) įrašyti datą/insert date
(5) tyrimai dėl įnosių netaikomi šioms šalims:
Australijai, Kanadai, Šveicarijai, Grenlandijai, Islandijai, Naujajai Zelandijai ir Jungtinėms Amerikos Valstijoms
the requested test for glanders does not apply for the countries:
Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Greenland, Iceland, New Zealand and United States of America
(*) antspaudo spalva turi skirtis nuo teksto spalvos