2003 m. kovo 31 d. Nr. B1-327
Vadovaudamasis Lietuvos Respublikos veterinarijos įstatymu (Žin., 1992, Nr. 2-15) ir įgyvendindamas Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės 2003 m. kovo 5 d. nutarimu Nr. 292 „Dėl Lietuvos pasirengimo narystei Europos Sąjungoje programos (Nacionalinė ACQUIS priėmimo programa) teisės derinimo priemonių ir ACQUIS įgyvendinimo priemonių 2003 metų planų patvirtinimo“ (Žin., 2003, Nr. 25-1019) patvirtintą Teisės derinimo priemonių 2003 metų planą (priemonės kodas bei 2002 m. liepos 19 d. Komisijos sprendimą 2002/613/EB, nustatantį sąlygas importuojant naminių kuilių spermą:
1. Tvirtinu pridedamus:
1.1. veterinarijos sertifikatą kuilių spermai, importuojamai iš Kanados, Naujosios Zelandijos ir Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų į Lietuvos Respubliką pagal 1990 m. birželio 26 d. Tarybos direktyvos 90/429/EEB reikalavimus;
1.2. veterinarijos sertifikatą kuilių spermai, importuojamai iš Šveicarijos, Vengrijos ir Kipro į Lietuvos Respubliką pagal 1990 m. birželio 26 d. Tarybos direktyvos 90/429/EEB reikalavimus;
2. Nustatau, kad draudžiama importuoti kuilių spermą iš spermos surinkimo centrų, kuriuose kuiliai vakcinuojami nuo Aujeskio ligos.
Valstybinės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos
direktoriaus 2003 m. kovo31 d.
įsakymu Nr. B1-327
veterinarijos sertifikaS (1) kuilių spermai, importuojamai iš KANADOS, NAUJOSIOS ZELANDIJOS IR JUNGTINIŲ AMERIKOS VALSTIJŲ pagal 1990 m. birželio 26 d. tarybos direktyvOS 90/429/eeb REIKALAVIMUS
health certificate (1) for imports of semen of domestic animals of porcine species from CANADA, NEW ZEALAND, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in accordance with directive 90/429/eec
Kilmės šalis ir kompetentinga institucija Country of origin and competent authority
Sertifikato numeris Health certificate No. |
I. Spermos kilmė/origin of semen |
Spermos kilmės surinkimo centro patvirtintas numeris Approval number of the collection centre of origin of the consignment |
Spermos surinkimo centro pavadinimas ir adresas Name and address of the collection centre of origin of the consignment
Siuntėjo pavadinimas ir adresas Name and address of the consignor |
Šalis ir paskirties vieta Country and place of loading
Transporto priemonė Means of transport |
II. Spermos paskirtis/Destination of Semen |
Vieta ir paskirties šalis Place and state of destination |
Gavėjo pavadinimas ir adresas Name and address of the consignee |
III. Spermos tapatumo nustatymas/Identification of semen |
Spermos konteinerių kiekis ir kodinis ženklinimas (plombos numeris) Number and code-mark (including seal number) of semen containers |
Dozių ženklinimas (2) Identification mark of the doses (2) |
Dozių skaičius Number of doses |
IV. Informacija apie sveikumą/Health information
Gyvūnų sveikatos patvirtinimas/Animal health attestation
Aš, žemiau pasirašęs valstybinis veterinarijos gydytojas, skaičiau ir susipažinau su 1990 m. birželio 26 d. Tarybos direktyva 90/429/EEB ir jos paskutiniais pakeitimais ir patvirtinu, kad:
I, the undersigned official veterinarian, having read and being familiar with Directive 90/429/EEC as amended, hereby certify that
has during the past 12 months been free of foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease or porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitis (Teschen disease) and that no vaccinations have been carried out against any of these diseases during the past 12 months (3);
......................... (trečioji šalis) /(name of third country)
Tarptautinio epizootijų biuro yra pripažinta neapimta snukio ir nagų ligos, netaikant vakcinacijos, ir neapimta klasikinio kiaulių maro, afrikinio kiaulių maro, kiaulių vezikulinės ligos ir kiaulių enterovirusinio encefalomielito pagal TEB Tarptautinį gyvūnų sveikatos kodeksą (3).
Is recognised as free of foot-and-mouth disease without vaccination by the International Office of Epizootic Diseases and free of classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease or porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitis (Teschen disease)in accordance with the rules laid down in the International Animal Health Code of the International Office of Epizootic Diseases (3).
The semen collection centre in which the semen in this consignment was collected:
2.1. yra patvirtintas eksportui į ES.............................. (šalis eksportuotoja) veterinarijos tarnybų ir atitinka 1990 m. birželio 26 d. Tarybos direktyvos 90/429/EEB reikalavimus spermos surinkimo centrų patvirtinimui ir priežiūrai;
is approved for export to the Community by the veterinary services of...................................... and fulfill the requirements of Annex A to Directive 90/429/EEC (conditions relating to the approval and supervision of semen collection centres),
2.2. yra teritorijoje, kurioje 3 mėnesius iki spermos paėmimo ir iki jos išsiuntimo nebuvo paskelbti draudimai ar apribojimai dėl snukio ir nagų ligos, klasikinio kiaulių maro, afrikinio kiaulių maro, kiaulių vezikulinės ligos, kiaulių enterovirusinio encefalomielito ir vezikulinio stomatito pasireiškimo;
was situated in an area not restricted during the period commencing three months prior to date of collection until the date of dispatch because of classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease or porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitis (Teschen disease) and vesicular stomatitis;
was, during the period commencing 30 days prior to the date of collection of semen to be exported until its date of dispatch, free from clinical signs of tuberculosos, brucellosis, Aujeszky’s disease, rabies;
2.4. jame laikomi tik nevakcinuoti nuo Aujeskio ligos gyvūnai, kurie neigiamai reagavo tiriant serumo neutralizacijos arba IFA testu, naudojant visus Aujeskio ligos virusinius antigenus (3), arba centre esantys visi kuiliai arba keletas iš jų buvo vakcinuoti nuo Aujeskio ligos naudojant žymėtą vakciną, kurioje nėra gE antigeno; tokie kuiliai neigiamai reagavo tiriant serologiškai dėl Aujeskio ligos prieš vakcinaciją ir buvo ištirti serologiškai ne anksčiau kaip po trijų savaičių, tyrimo metu nenustatyta antikūnių prieš ligos virusą (3).
either contains only animals that have not been vaccinated against Aujeszky’s disease and which have reacted negatively to the serum neutralisation or ELISA test using all the Aujeszky’s disease viral antigens (3) or, is a centre in which some or all boars have been vaccinated against Aujeszky’s disease using a gE deleted vaccine; such boars having been seronegative with regard to Aujeszky’s disease before vaccination and subjected not sooner than three weeks later to a further serological examination which did not reveal the presence of antibodies inducted by the disease virus (3).
V. Sąlygos įvežant gyvūnus į patvirtintus spermos surinkimo centrus:
Conditions applying to the admission of animals to approved semen collection centres
When they were admitted to the semen collection centre, all animals:
were subjected to a period of quarantine of at least 30 days in accommodation specifically approved for the purpose by the competent authority, and where only animals having at least the same health status were present;
prior to their entering the quarantine accommodation described in 1.1, were chosen from herds or holdings:
which were free of brucellosis in accordance with the Artlicle 3 (5)(2)(I) of the International Animal Health Code,
in which no animal vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease was present in the preceding 12 months,
in which no clinical, serological or virological evidence of Aujeszky’s disease was detected in the preceding 12 months and
1.2.4. kurios nebuvo teritorijoje, kurioje taikomi apribojimai pagal nacionalinius teisės aktus dėl naminių kiaulių ligų (snukio ir nagų ligos, klasikinio kiaulių maro, afrikinio kiaulių maro, kiaulių vezikulinės ligos, kiaulių enterovirusinio encefalomielito, vezikulinio stomatito ir Aujeskio ligos) pasireiškimo;
which were not situated in a restricted area defined under the provisions of the national legislation due to the emergence of a disease in domestic pigs (foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease, porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitis, vesicular stomatitis or Aujeszky’s disease),
the animals were not previously kept in any herd of a lower status;
before the period of quarantine specified in 1.1 and within the previous 30 days, were subjected to the following tests, performed in accordance with international standards, with negative results:
a buffered brucella antigen test in respect of brucellosis,
either a serum neutralization or an ELISA test using all the Aujeszky’s disease viral antigens in the case of non-vaccinated pigs (3), or
an ELISA test for Aujeszky’s disease gE antigens in the case of pigs vaccinated with a gE deleted vaccine (3);
during the last 15 days of the period of quarantine of at least 30 days specified in 1.1, were subjected to the following test with negative results:
in respect of brucellosis, a buffered brucella antigen test,
either a serum neutralization or an ELISA test using all the Aujeszky’s disease viral antigens in the case of non-vaccinated pigs (3), or
an ELISA test for Aujeszky’s disease gE antigens in the case of pigs vaccinated with a gE deleted vaccine (3);
1.6. nepažeidžiant nuostatų, taikomų diagnozavus snukio ir nagų ligą ar kitas A sąrašo ligas, jei nors vieno iš aukščiau išvardytų testų rezultatų yra teigiamas, gyvūnas turi būti pašalintas iš karantino patalpų. Jei karantinuojama grupėmis, kompetentinga institucija turi imtis visų reikiamų priemonių užtikrinti, kad likę gyvūnai prieš patekdami į spermos surinkimo centrą būtų patenkinamos sveikatos būklės, kaip nurodyta 1 punkte;
Without prejudice to the provisions applicable in cases where foot-and-mouth disease or other A list diseases are diagnosed, if any of the above mentioned test should prove positive, the animal must be removed forthwith from the quarantine accommodation. In the case of group quarantine, the competent authority must take all necessary measures to ensure that the remaining animals have satisfactory health status before being admitted to the collection centre in accordance with paragraph 1;
however, with regard to brucellosis when animals are positive, the following protocol is implemented:
the positive sera are subjected to a sero-agglutination test as well as the test mentioned at the first indent above which has not been carried out,
an epidemiological survey is carried out on the holdings of origin of the reacting animals,
On the positive animals, a second series of tests (buffered brucella antigen test, sero-agglutination, complement fixation) is carried out on samples collected more than seven days after the first collection.
Bruceliozės įtarimas patvirtinamas arba paneigiamas, remiantis kilmės ūkio patikrinimu ir dviejų tyrimų serijų sulyginimu.
The suspicion of brucellosis will be confirmed or ruled out in the light of the results of the survey carried out on the holdings of origin and the comparison of the results of the two series of tests.
Jei įtarimai dėl bruceliozės nepasitvirtina, gyvūnus, neigiamai reagavusius pirmą kartą tiriant dėl bruceliozės, galima įvežti į spermos surinkimo centrą. Gyvūnus, teigiamai reagavusius vieną kartą, galima įvežti į spermos surinkimo centrą, jei jie neigiamai reagavo 2 kartus kas septynias dienas tiriant buferizuotu brucelų antigenų testu, seroagliutinacijos ir kompelmento fiksacijos tyrimais;
With the suspicion of brucellosis is ruled out, the animals negative to the first brucellosis test can be introduced into the centre. Animal positive to one test may be accepted if they answer negatively to two series of tests (buffered brucella antigen test, sero-agglutination, complement fixation) carried out with an interval of at least seven days;
all tests were carried out in a laboratory approved by the competent authority;
animals were only admitted to the semen collection centre with the express permission of the centre veterinarian. All animals’ movements, both in and out, are recorded;
no animal admitted to the semen collection centre showed any clinical signs of disease on the day of admission, all animals came directly from quarantine accommodation as referred to in paragraph 1.1 which, on the day of consignment and during the period of residency of the animals, officially fulfilled the following conditions:
1.10.1. nėra teritorijoje, kurioje taikomi apribojimai pagal nacionalinius teisės aktus dėl naminių kiaulių ligų (snukio ir nagų ligos, klasikinio kiaulių maro, afrikinio kiaulių maro, kiaulių vezikulinės ligos, kiaulių enterovirusinio encefalomielito, vezikulinio stomatito ir Aujeskio ligos) pasireiškimo,
which were not situated in a restricted area defined under the provisions of the national legislation due to the emergence of a disease in domestic pigs (foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease, porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitis, vesicular stomatitis or Aujeszky’s disease),
VI. Privalomieji tyrimai gyvūnams, laikomiems patvirtintame spermos surinkimo centre:
Compulsory routine tests for animals kept at an approved semen collection centre
1. Gyvūnai, laikomi patvirtintame spermos surinkimo centre, buvo ištirti dėl šių ligų, tyrimų rezultatai turi būti neigiami:
All animals kept at an approved semen collection centre were subjected to the following test with negative results:
a serum neutralization or an ELISA test using all the Aujeszky’s disease viral antigens in the case of non-vaccinated pigs, or an ELISA test for Aujeszky’s disease gE antigens in the case of pigs vaccinated with a gE deleted vaccine,
in respect of brucellosis, a buffered brucella antigen test;
on all animals when leaving the centre, but not later than12 months after admission where they have not left the centre before this time. The sampling may be carried out in the abattoir (3), or
1.3.2. 25 procentams centre esančių gyvūnų kas tris mėnesius (3); tokiu atveju mėginiai turi atspindėti visą populiaciją, atsižvelgiant į amžiaus grupę ir laikymo vietą, užtikrinant, kad visi gyvūnai bus patikrinti bent vieną kartą jiems būnant centre, ir, jei jie laikomi daugiau kaip vienerius metus – mažiausiai kas 12 mėnesių.
on 25% of the animals in the centre, every three months (3), in that case, samples should be representative of the whole population, with respect to age group and accommodation, ensuring that all animals are tested at least once during their stay at the centre and at least every 12 months if the stay exceeds one year.
All tests were carried out in a laboratory approved by the competent authority.
3. Jei nors vienas iš testų buvo teigiamas, gyvūnas turi būti izoliuotas ir spermą, gautą iš jo nuo paskutinio tyrimo neigiamų rezultatų, draudžiama importuoti; sperma, paimta iš centro gyvūnų nuo paskutinio tyrimo neigiamų rezultatų, turi būti laikoma atskirai ir neimportuojama, kol bus atstatytas centro statusas.
If any of the above tests should prove positive, the animal must be isolated and the semen collected from it since the last negative test may not be the subject of imports. Semen collected from each animal at the centre since the date of that animal’s last negative test shall be held in separate storage and may not be the subject of imports until the health status of the centre has been re-established.
VII. Sąlygos, kurias turi atitikti sperma, surinkta patvirtintuose centruose:
Conditions which semen collected at approved centres must satisfy
Semen obtained from animals which:
1.1. išbuvo................................... (šalies pavadinimas) mažiausiai tris mėnesius iki spermos paėmimo;
have been resident in.............................. (name of third country) for minimum period of three months immediately prior to collection;
showed no clinical signs of disease on the day the semen is collected;
have not been vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease;
have not been allowed to serve naturally;
1.6. nebuvo teritorijoje, kurioje taikomi apribojimai pagal nacionalinius teisės aktus dėl naminių kiaulių ligų (snukio ir nagų ligos, klasikinio kiaulių maro, afrikinio kiaulių maro, kiaulių vezikulinės ligos, kiaulių enterovirusinio encefalomielito, vezikulinio stomatito ir Aujeskio ligos) pasireiškimo;
which were not situated in a restricted area defined under the provisions of the national legislation due to the emergence of a disease in domestic pigs (foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease, porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitis, vesicular stomatitis or Aujeszky’s disease);
were kept in semen collection centres, which, during the 30 day period immediately prior to collection, were free from Aujeszky’s disease.
An effective combination of antibiotics, in particular against leptospires and mycoplasmas, was added to the semen after final dilution or to the diluent. In the case of frozen semen, antibiotics were added before the semen was frozen.
Mišinys turi veikti taip pat, kaip ir šie mišiniai:
This combination must produce an effect at least equivalent to the following dilutions, not less than:
500 µg streptomicino 1 ml galutinio tirpalo,
300 µg spectinomycin per ml final dilution.
Įdėjus antibiotikų, ne mažiau kaip 45 minutes praskiesta sperma buvo laikoma 15 oC temperatūroje.
Immediately after the addition of the antibiotics the diluted semen was kept at a temperature of at least 15 °C for a period of not less than 45 minutes.
The semen in this consignment:
has been stored as laid down in Annex A to Directive 90/429/EEC (conditions relating to the approval and supervision of semen collection centres) prior to dispatch;
3.2. buvo transportuojama į paskirties šalį iš anksto išvalytomis ir išdezinfekuotomis ar sterilizuotomis talpyklomis, kurios prieš išsiuntimą iš patvirtintų sandėliavimo patalpų buvo užplombuotos.
is being transported to the country of destination in flasks which were cleaned and disinfected or sterilised before use and which have been sealed prior to dispatch from the approved storage facilities.
Data ir vieta/Date and place |
Valstybinio veterinarijos gydytojo pavardė ir pareigos Name and qualification of the official veterinarian |
Valstybinio veterinarijos gydytojo parašas ir antspaudas Signature of the official veterinarian and stamp |
a separate certificate must be issued for each consignment of semen, the original of this certificate must accompany the consignment to the place of destination
(2) priklausomai nuo donorų tapatumo ir spermos paėmimo dienos
Valstybinės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos
direktoriaus 2003 m. kovo31 d.
įsakymu Nr. B1-327
veterinarijos sertifikaS (1) kuilių spermai, importuojamai iš ŠVEICARIJOS, VENGRIJOS IR KIPRO pagal 1990 m. birželio 26 d. tarybos direktyvOS 90/429/eeb REIKALAVIMUS
health certificate (1) for imports of semen of domestic animals of porcine species from SWITZERLAND, HUNGARY AND CYPRUS in accordance with directive 90/429/eec |
Kilmės šalis ir kompetentinga institucija Country of origin and competent authority
Sertifikato numeris Health certificate No. |
I. Spermos kilmė/origin of semen |
Spermos kilmės surinkimo centro patvirtintas numeris Approval number of the collection centre of origin of the consignment |
Spermos surinkimo centro pavadinimas ir adresas Name and address of the collection centre of origin of the consignment
Siuntėjo pavadinimas ir adresas Name and address of the consignor |
Šalis ir paskirties vieta Country and place of loading |
Transporto priemonė Means of transport |
II. Spermos paskirtis/Destination of Semen |
Vieta ir paskirties šalis Place and state of destination |
Gavėjo pavadinimas ir adresas Name and address of the consignee |
III. Spermos tapatumo nustatymas/Identification of semen |
Spermos konteinerių kiekis ir kodinis ženklinimas (plombos numeris) Number and code-mark (including seal number) of semen containers |
Dozių ženklinimas (2) Identification mark of the doses (2) |
Dozių skaičius Number of doses |
IV. Informacija apie sveikumą/Health information
Gyvūnų sveikatos patvirtinimas/Animal health attestation
Aš, žemiau pasirašęs valstybinis veterinarijos gydytojas, skaičiau ir susipažinau su 1990 m. birželio 26 d. Tarybos direktyva 90/429/EEB ir jos paskutiniais pakeitimais ir patvirtinu, kad:
I, the undersigned official veterinarian, having read and being familiar with Directive 90/429/EEC as amended, hereby certify that
has during the past 12 months been free of foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease or porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitis (Teschen disease) and that no vaccinations have been carried out against any of these diseases during the past 12 months (3);
......................... (trečioji šalis) /(name of third country)
Tarptautinio epizootijų biuro yra pripažinta neapimta snukio ir nagų ligos, netaikant vakcinacijos, ir neapimta klasikinio kiaulių maro, afrikinio kiaulių maro, kiaulių vezikulinės ligos ir kiaulių enterovirusinio encefalomielito pagal TEB Tarptautinį gyvūnų sveikatos kodeksą (3).
Is recognised as free of foot-and-mouth disease without vaccination by the International Office of Epizootic Diseases and free of classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease or porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitis (Teschen disease)in accordance with the rules laid down in the International Animal Health Code of the International Office of Epizootic Diseases (3).
The semen collection centre in which the semen in this consignment was collected:
2.1. yra patvirtintas eksportui į ES.............................. (šalies eksportuotoja) veterinarijos tarnybų ir atitinka 1990 m. birželio 26 d. Tarybos direktyvos 90/429/EEB reikalavimus spermos surinkimo centrų patvirtinimui ir priežiūrai;
is approved for export to the Community by the veterinary services of...................................... and fulfill the requirements of Annex A to Directive 90/429/EEC (conditions relating to the approval and supervision of semen collection centres),
2.2. yra teritorijoje, kurioje 3 mėnesius iki spermos paėmimo ir iki jos išsiuntimo nebuvo paskelbti draudimai ar apribojimai dėl snukio ir nagų ligos, klasikinio kiaulių maro, afrikinio kiaulių maro, kiaulių vezikulinės ligos, kiaulių enterovirusinio encefalomielito ir vezikulinio stomatito pasireiškimo;
was situated in an area not restricted during the period commencing three months prior to date of collection until the date of dispatch because of classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease or porcine enteroviral encephalomielitis (Teschen disease) and vesicular stomatitis,
was, during the period commencing 30 days prior to the date of collection of semen to be exported until its date of dispatch, free from clinical signs of tuberculosos, brucellosis, Aujeszky’s disease, rabies,
2.4. jame laikomi tik nevakcinuoti nuo Aujeskio ligos gyvūnai, kurie neigiamai reagavo tiriant serumo neutralizacijos arba IFA testu, naudojant visus Aujeskio ligos virusinius antigenus (3), arba centre esantys visi kuiliai arba keletas iš jų buvo vakcinuoti nuo Aujeskio ligos naudojant žymėtą vakciną, kurioje nėra gE antigeno; tokie kuiliai neigiamai reagavo tiriant serologiškai dėl Aujeskio ligos prieš vakcinaciją ir buvo ištirti serologiškai ne anksčiau kaip po trijų savaičių, tyrimo metu nenustatyta antikūnių prieš ligos virusą (3).
Either contains only animals that have not been vaccinated against Aujeszky’s disease and which have reacted negatively to the serum neutralisation or ELISA test using all the Aujeszky’s disease viral antigens (3) or, is a centre in which some or all boars have been vaccinated against Aujeszky’s disease using a gE deleted vaccine; such boars having been seronegative with regard to Aujeszky’s disease before vaccination and subjected not sooner than three weeks later to a further serological examination which did not reveal the presence of antibodies inducted by the disease virus (3).
V. Sąlygos įvežant gyvūnus į patvirtintus spermos surinkimo centrus:
Conditions applying to the admission of animals to approved semen collection centres
when they were admitted to the semen collection centre, all animals:
were subjected to a period of quarantine of at least 30 days in accommodation specifically approved for the purpose by the competent authority, and where only animals having at least the same health status were present;
prior to their entering the quarantine accommodation described in 1.1, were chosen from herds or holdings:
which were free of brucellosis in accordance with the Artlicle 3 (5)(2)(I) of the International Animal Health Code,
in which no animal vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease was present in the preceding 12 months,
in which no clinical, serological or virological evidence of Aujeszky’s disease was detected in the preceding 12 months and
1.2.4. kurios nebuvo teritorijoje, kurioje taikomi apribojimai pagal nacionalinius teisės aktus dėl naminių kiaulių ligų (snukio ir nagų ligos, klasikinio kiaulių maro, afrikinio kiaulių maro, kiaulių vezikulinės ligos, kiaulių enterovirusinio encefalomielito, vezikulinio stomatito ir Aujeskio ligos) pasireiškimo;
which were not situated in a restricted area defined under the provisions of the national legislation due to the emergence of a disease in domestic pigs (foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease, porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitis, vesicular stomatitis or Aujeszky’s disease),
the animals were not previously kept in any herd of a lower status;
before the period of quarantine specified in 1.1 and within the previous 30 days, were subjected to the following tests, performed in accordance with international standards, with negative results:
a buffered brucella antigen test in respect of brucellosis,
either a serum neutralization or an ELISA test using all the Aujeszky’s disease viral antigens in the case of non-vaccinated pigs (3), or
an ELISA test for Aujeszky’s disease gE antigens in the case of pigs vaccinated with a gE deleted vaccine (3),
ELISA test or serum neutralisation test for presence of antibodies of classical swine fever;
during the last 15 days of the period of quarantine of at least 30 days specified in 1.1, were subjected to the following test with negative results:
in respect of brucellosis, a buffered brucella antigen test,
either a serum neutralization or an ELISA test using all the Aujeszky’s disease viral antigens in the case of non-vaccinated pigs (3), or
an ELISA test for Aujeszky’s disease gE antigens in the case of pigs vaccinated with a gE deleted vaccine (3);
1.6. nepažeidžiant nuostatų, taikomų diagnozavus snukio ir nagų ligą ar kitas A sąrašo ligas, jei nors vieno iš aukščiau išvardytų testų rezultatų yra teigiamas, gyvūnas turi būti pašalintas iš karantino patalpų. Jei karantinuojama grupėmis, kompetentinga institucija turi imtis visų reikiamų priemonių užtikrinti, kad likę gyvūnai prieš patekdami į spermos surinkimo centrą būtų patenkinamos sveikatos būklės, kaip nurodyta 1 punkte;
Without prejudice to the provisions applicable in cases where foot-and-mouth disease or other A list diseases are diagnosed, if any of the above mentioned test should prove positive, the animal must be removed forthwith from the quarantine accommodation. In the case of group quarantine, the competent authority must take all necessary measures to ensure that the remaining animals have satisfactory health status before being admitted to the collection centre in accordance with paragraph 1,
However, with regard to brucellosis when animals are positive, the following protocol is implemented:
the positive sera are subjected to a sero-agglutination test as well as the test mentioned at the first indent above which has not been carried out,
an epidemiological survey is carried out on the holdings of origin of the reacting animals,
On the positive animals, a second series of tests (buffered brucella antigen test, sero-agglutination, complement fixation) is carried out on samples collected more than seven days after the first collection.
Bruceliozės įtarimas patvirtinamas arba paneigiamas, remiantis kilmės ūkio patikrinimu ir dviejų tyrimų serijų sulyginimu.
The suspicion of brucellosis will be confirmed or ruled out in the light of the results of the survey carried out on the holdings of origin and the comparison of the results of the two series of tests.
Jei įtarimai dėl bruceliozės nepasitvirtina, gyvūnus, neigiamai reagavusius pirmą kartą tiriant dėl bruceliozės, galima įvežti į spermos surinkimo centrą. Gyvūnus, teigiamai reagavusius vieną kartą, galima įvežti į spermos surinkimo centrą, jei jie neigiamai reagavo 2 kartus kas septynias dienas tiriant buferizuotu brucelų antigenų testu, seroagliutinacijos ir kompelmento fiksacijos tyrimais;
With the suspicion of brucellosis is ruled out, the animals negative to the first brucellosis test can be introduced into the centre. Animal positive to one test may be accepted if they answer negatively to two series of tests (buffered brucella antigen test, sero-agglutination, complement fixation) carried out with an interval of at least seven days;
all tests were carried out in a laboratory approved by the competent authority;
animals were only admitted to the semen collection centre with the express permission of the centre veterinarian. All animals’ movements, both in and out, are recorded;
no animal admitted to the semen collection centre showed any clinical signs of disease on the day of admission, all animals came directly from quarantine accommodation as referred to in paragraph 1.1 which, on the day of consignment and during the period of residency of the animals, officially fulfilled the following conditions:
1.10.1. nėra teritorijoje, kurioje taikomi apribojimai pagal nacionalinius teisės aktus dėl naminių kiaulių ligų (snukio ir nagų ligos, klasikinio kiaulių maro, afrikinio kiaulių maro, kiaulių vezikulinės ligos, kiaulių enterovirusinio encefalomielito, vezikulinio stomatito ir Aujeskio ligos) pasireiškimo,
which were not situated in a restricted area defined under the provisions of the national legislation due to the emergence of a disease in domestic pigs (foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease, porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitis, vesicular stomatitis or Aujeszky’s disease),
VI. Privalomieji tyrimai gyvūnams, laikomiems patvirtintame spermos surinkimo centre:
Compulsory routine tests for animals kept at an approved semen collection centre
1. Gyvūnai, laikomi patvirtintame spermos surinkimo centre, buvo ištirti dėl šių ligų, tyrimų rezultatai turi būti neigiami:
all animals kept at an approved semen collection centre were subjected to the following test with negative results:
a serum neutralization or an ELISA test using all the Aujeszky’s disease viral antigens in the case of non-vaccinated pigs, or an ELISA test for Aujeszky’s disease gE antigens in the case of pigs vaccinated with a gE deleted vaccine,
in respect of brucellosis, a buffered brucella antigen test;
ELISA test or serum neutralisation test for presence of antibodies of classical swine fever;
on all animals when leaving the centre, but not later than12 months after admission where they have not left the centre before this time. The sampling may be carried out in the abattoir (3), or
1.4.2. 25 procentams centre esančių gyvūnų kas tris mėnesius (3); tokiu atveju mėginiai turi atspindėti visą populiaciją, atsižvelgiant į amžiaus grupę ir laikymo vietą, užtikrinant, kad visi gyvūnai bus patikrinti bent vieną kartą jiems būnant centre, ir, jei jie laikomi daugiau kaip vienerius metus – mažiausiai kas 12 mėnesių.
on 25% of the animals in the centre, every three months (3), in that case, samples should be representative of the whole population, with respect to age group and accommodation, ensuring that all animals are tested at least once during their stay at the centre and at least every 12 months if the stay exceeds one year.
All tests were carried out in a laboratory approved by the competent authority.
3. Jei nors vienas iš testų buvo teigiamas, gyvūnas turi būti izoliuotas ir spermą, gautą iš jo nuo paskutinio tyrimo neigiamų rezultatų, draudžiama importuoti; sperma, paimta iš centro gyvūnų nuo paskutinio tyrimo neigiamų rezultatų, turi būti laikoma atskirai ir neimportuojama, kol bus atstatytas centro statusas.
If any of the above tests should prove positive, the animal must be isolated and the semen collected from it since the last negative test may not be the subject of imports. Semen collected from each animal at the centre since the date of that animal’s last negative test shall be held in separate storage and may not be the subject of imports until the health status of the centre has been re-established.
VII. Sąlygos, kurias turi atitikti sperma, surinkta patvirtintuose centruose:
Conditions which semen collected at approved centres must satisfy:
Semen obtained from animals which:
1.1. išbuvo................................... (šalies pavadinimas) mažiausiai tris mėnesius iki spermos paėmimo;
have been resident in.............................. (name of third country) for minimum period of three months immediately prior to collection;
showed no clinical signs of disease on the day the semen is collected;
have not been vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease;
have not been allowed to serve naturally;
1.6. nebuvo teritorijoje, kurioje taikomi apribojimai pagal nacionalinius teisės aktus dėl naminių kiaulių ligų (snukio ir nagų ligos, klasikinio kiaulių maro, afrikinio kiaulių maro, kiaulių vezikulinės ligos, kiaulių enterovirusinio encefalomielito, vezikulinio stomatito ir Aujeskio ligos) pasireiškimo;
which were not situated in a restricted area defined under the provisions of the national legislation due to the emergence of a disease in domestic pigs (foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease, porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitis, vesicular stomatitis or Aujeszky’s disease);
were kept in semen collection centres, which, during the 30 day period immediately prior to collection, were free from Aujeszky’s disease.
An effective combination of antibiotics, in particular against leptospires and mycoplasmas, was added to the semen after final dilution or to the diluent. In the case of frozen semen, antibiotics were added before the semen was frozen.
Mišinys turi veikti taip pat, kaip ir šie mišiniai:
This combination must produce an effect at least equivalent to the following dilutions, not less than:
500 µg streptomicino 1 ml galutinio tirpalo,
300 µg spectinomycin per ml final dilution.
Įdėjus antibiotikų, ne mažiau kaip 45 minutes praskiesta sperma buvo laikoma 15oC temperatūroje.
Immediately after the addition of the antibiotics the diluted semen was kept at a temperature of at least 15°C for a period of not less than 45 minutes.
The semen in this consignment:
has been stored as laid down in Annex A to Directive 90/429/EEC (conditions relating to the approval and supervision of semen collection centres) prior to dispatch;
3.2. buvo transportuojama į paskirties šalį iš anksto išvalytomis ir išdezinfekuotomis ar sterilizuotomis talpyklomis, kurios prieš išsiuntimą iš patvirtintų sandėliavimo patalpų buvo užplombuotos.
is being transported to the country of destination in flasks which were cleaned and disinfected or sterilised before use and which have been sealed prior to dispatch from the approved storage facilities.
Data ir vieta/Date and place |
Valstybinio veterinarijos gydytojo pavardė ir pareigos Name and qualification of the official veterinarian |
Valstybinio veterinarijos gydytojo parašas ir antspaudas Signature of the official veterinarian and stamp |
a separate certificate must be issued for each consignment of semen, the original of this certificate must accompany the consignment to the place of destination
(2) priklausomai nuo donorų tapatumo ir spermos paėmimo dienos
Valstybinės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos
direktoriaus 2003 m. kovo31 d.
įsakymu Nr. B1-327
ISO kodas |
Patvirtintas numeris |
Patvirtintų spermos surinkimo centrų pavadinimas ir adresas (anglų kalba) |
Kanada |
CA |
4-AI-02 |
Centre d’insemination porcine du Quebec (CIPQ) 1486 rang Saint-Andre, Saint Lambert, Quebec |
CA |
4-AI-05 |
Centre d’insemination genetipore 77 rang des Bois-Francs sud Sainte-Christine-de-POrt-neuf, Quebec |
CA |
4-AI-24 |
Centre d’insemination C-Prim 2, chemin Saint-Gabriel Saint GAbriel de Brandon, Quebec |
ca |
5-ai-01 |
ontario swine improvement inc p. O. box 400 innerkip, ontario |
ca |
6-ai-70 |
costwold western kanada ltd 17 speers road winnipeg, manitoba location sw 27-18-2 epm |
ca |
7-ai-100 |
aurora gtc box 177 kipling, soskatchewan location sw 15-10-6 w2 |
Šveicarija |
CH |
CH-AI-35 |
CH |
CH-AI-10S |
CY |
AISW-22801/CY001 |
HU |
H 05 |
HU |
H 06 |
HU |
HU 0085 |
SI |
SI 593 |
SI |
SI 594 |
US |
94OK001 |
US |
95IA001 |
US |
95IL001 |
US |
96AI002 |
US |
96WI001 |
US |
97KY001 |