CloseLietuvos Respublikos nedarbo socialinio draudimo įstatymo 4, 5, 8, 10, 14, 18, 22, 23, 25 straipsnių pakeitimo ir papildymo įstatymas
Type:LawEnactment date:Dec 22, 2004Valid summary:None
Registration details: No. 1041010ISTA0000X-65 Number provided by the institution:X-65Consolidated version:None
Jan 1, 2005Enters into Force
Dec 22, 2004Priimtas teisės aktas
Valid from Jan 1, 2005
Enacted by:Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas
Draft amendments:None
Ex post assessment:NonePublished:Valstybės žinios, Dec 31, 2004, No. 188-6997
Eurovoc terminology:
labour exchange
unemployment benefit
employment policy
social policy
social-security benefit
unemployment insurance
social security
employment service
unemployed person
4411 labour market
4406 employment
2836 social protection
2826 social affairs
Connection to EU law:None
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